Poetry Reading
7 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 19
Bucknell Hall
Lecture on Social Justice
7 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 20
Gallery Theater, 3rd floor, EL
Co-sponsored by Bucknell University Press, Stadler Center for Poetry, Bucknell Humanities Center, Office of Global & Off Campus Education, and University Lectureship Committee
Antjie Krog
Anna Elizabeth (Antjie) Krog’s iconic status as one of South Africa’s most popular, critically acclaimed, and politically courageous poets began when she was eighteen with her first collection Daughter of Jephta (1970). In the decades since this explosive debut, Krog’s many works—both poetry and prose—have received almost every award available in her country for poetry, translation and non-fiction, among them the esteemed Hertzog Prize for Lady Anne (1989) and for Synapse (2014), the Olive Schreiner Prize and the Alan Paton Prize for Country of My Skull (1998), and the Vita Poetry Award for Down to my Last Skin (2000). Internationally she has been awarded the Stockholm Award from the Hiroshima Foundation for Peace and Culture as well as the Open Society Prize from the Central European University (previous winners of which were Jürgen Habermas and Vaclav Havel). Since 2004 Antjie Krog has been an extraordinary Professor of Literature and Philosophy at the University of the Western Cape. Bucknell University Press is proud to be the publisher of the first English translation of Antjie Krog’s Lady Anne: A Chronicle in Verse (2017).
Additional appearances
During her visit to the USA in fall 2017 Antjie Krog will also be reading and speaking at the following venues:
Monday, Sept. 18: Penn State University, State College. Comparative Literature Lunch, 12:30 pm. Contact: Jonathan Eburne, jpe11@psu.edu or Rosemary Jolly, rjj14@psu.edu
Monday, Sept. 25: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelpia. Discussion with Latitudes Research forum and Germanic Languages group. Contact: Rita Barnard, rita.barnard66@gmail.com
Tuesday, Sept. 26: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Reading at Kelly Writers House. Contact: Rita Barnard, rita.barnard66@gmail.com
Thursday, Sept. 28: Library of Congress. Washington DC. Reading and Discussion, 12 pm. Contact: Laverne Mattye Page, mpag@loc.gov
Monday, October 2: Barnard College, New York. Contact: Yvette Christianse, ychristi@barnard.edu